What is "fingernail"?
The fingernail is a hard, translucent plate made of keratin that covers and protects the tip of the finger. It grows from the nail matrix located at the base of the nail and serves multiple purposes, including providing support to the fingertip, enhancing tactile sensitivity, and assisting in tasks that require precision and manipulation. Fingernails require proper care and maintenance to prevent issues such as breakage, infections, or nail disorders. Understanding the anatomy and function of the fingernail is important for maintaining healthy nails, promoting hygiene, and protecting the underlying tissues.
His unusually long fingernails gave him a creepy appearance.
His fingernails were so sharp that they could break the skin if he scratched too hard.
The team was hanging on by their fingernails in the final minutes of the game, but they managed to hold on for the win.
The company was hanging on by its fingernails during the recession, but it managed to survive thanks to some smart cost-cutting measures.
She used a nail clipper to trim her fingernails to a neat, uniform length.