to separate off
[phrase form: separate]
separera ut, skilja ut
to remove a specific item from a larger group
He separated off the unique collectibles from the rest of the items for a separate auction.
The chef had to separate off a portion of the dough for a special dessert.
They separated the damaged merchandise off from the rest to assess the losses.
avskilja, separera
to create a division using a physical barrier
They decided to separate the office space off from the rest of the room using dividers.
The classroom was separated off from the gymnasium during the school assembly.
They separated off a private dining area in the restaurant for special events.
avskilja, separera
to take someone or a group and isolate them from the rest
The teacher decided to separate the noisy students off from the rest of the class to maintain order.
The lifeguard had to separate the swimmers off from the dangerous area of the beach.
The supervisor separated the troublemakers off from the team during the meeting.