What is "pecan"?
Pecan is a nut known for its distinctive features and delightful taste. With its rich and buttery flavor, pecans offer a unique combination of sweetness and nuttiness. These nuts have a smooth texture and are often used in both sweet and savory dishes. Pecans can be found in various culinary creations such as pies, cookies, salads, and even roasted as a standalone snack. Native to North America, pecan trees are widely cultivated in regions with a suitable climate, providing a bountiful harvest of these flavorful nuts.
tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts
pekannötsträdets trä, trä av pekan
wood of a pecan tree
He gathered a handful of pecans from the ground.
I keep a bag of pecans in the freezer for baking.
He sprinkled roasted pecans over the salad for added flavor.
The pastry was filled with a nutty blend of pecans and caramel, creating a delicious dessert.