atlas, kartbok
What is an "atlas"?
An atlas is a collection of maps, usually in book form, that provides detailed information about different regions, countries, or the world. It includes various types of maps, such as political maps, physical maps, and thematic maps, which show different features like borders, landforms, and specific topics like climate or population. Atlases can also include other useful information like charts, graphs, and facts about the places shown in the maps. They are commonly used for reference, education, and travel planning.
atlas, atlass
What is an "atlas"?
An atlas is a sculptural figure of a man that serves as a support for a structure, often resembling a column. Typically depicted with a strong, muscular appearance, the atlas figure is shown holding up or bearing the weight of a beam or arch above it. This architectural element is used primarily for decorative purposes, adding a dramatic and artistic touch to buildings, particularly in classical architecture. Atlases can be found in various forms and styles, often contributing to the grandeur and visual impact of the space they occupy.
atlas , första nackkota
atlas, Atlas (grekisk mytologi)
Who is "Atlas"?
Atlas is a figure from Greek mythology known for his role in holding up the sky. According to the myth, Atlas was a Titan who was condemned by Zeus to carry the heavens on his shoulders as punishment for his role in the Titanomachy, the war between the Titans and the Olympian gods. The image of Atlas holding the sky is often used to symbolize endurance and strength. In later mythology, he is sometimes depicted as holding up the world instead of just the sky, a representation that has influenced the use of the term "atlas" to refer to collections of maps and geographical information.