avhållsamhet, abstinens
the voluntary act of refraining from certain activities or substances that one may desire, typically motivated by health, moral, or religious reasons
Despite his love for rich desserts, he practiced abstinence and avoided sweets to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The couple decided to practice abstinence from intimate activities until they were married, guided by their religious beliefs.
Recognizing the negative impact of excessive screen time, she implemented abstinence from electronic devices during meal times.
avhållsamhet, abstinens
the characteristic of refraining from certain activities or behaviors
John 's consistent display of self-discipline and resistance to temptation showcased his abstinence as a reliable and trustworthy friend.
Her characteristic of abstinence extended beyond food and encompassed all aspects of her life, including material possessions and unnecessary indulgences.
The monk embodied a lifestyle characterized by abstinence and a steadfast avoidance of excess.