drag one's name through the mud
British pronunciation/dɹˈaɡ ˌɛsbˈiː slˈaʃ ˌɛstˌiːˈeɪtʃ θɹuː ðə mˈʌd mˈaɪə/
American pronunciation/dɹˈæɡ ˌɛsbˈiː slˈæʃ ˌɛstˌiːˈeɪtʃ θɹuː ðə mˈʌd mˈaɪɚ/

делать неблагоприятные замечания о ком-то

to make unfavorable remarks about someone

What is the origin of the idiom "drag one's name through the mud" and when to use it?


The origin of the idiom "drag one's name through the mud" can be traced back to the practice of humiliating wrongdoers in ancient times. In some cultures, people would publicly shame individuals who committed crimes or acted immorally by dragging them through the mud. Today, the phrase is commonly used in a figurative sense to refer to someone who has been slandered or defamed in some way, causing their reputation to be damaged.

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