Right turn only sign

Right turn only sign
знак только для поворота направо, знак 'поворот направо'
a traffic sign that instructs drivers to turn only to their right at an intersection
What is a "right turn only sign"?
A right turn only sign is a traffic sign that directs drivers to make a right turn at a specific intersection or lane. This sign is typically placed where turning right is the only option for vehicles, either due to road design or traffic flow requirements. The sign is usually marked with a symbol of an arrow pointing to the right, indicating the direction drivers must follow. Drivers who ignore this sign and attempt to turn left or continue straight could cause traffic delays or accidents.
At the crossroads, the right turn only sign directed all vehicles to make a turn to the right.
She carefully approached the intersection, checking for the right turn only sign before changing lanes.
The driver missed the right turn only sign and had to circle back to the intersection.

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