talk (some) sense into sb
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British pronunciation/tˈɔːk sˌʌm ɔː sˈɛns ˌɪntʊ ˌɛsbˈiː/
American pronunciation/tˈɔːk sˌʌm ɔːɹ sˈɛns ˌɪntʊ ˌɛsbˈiː/

Ударить одного, сделать умнее

to convince someone to think or behave in a more rational, reasonable, or sensible manner, often through logical arguments
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to [talk] (some|) sense into {sb} definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "talk sense into someone" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "talk sense into someone" is not tied to a specific historical reference, but it draws upon the concept of rationality and logical thinking as a means of influencing others. It is derived from the belief that clear, logical thinking can lead to sound decision-making and practical actions. It is commonly used in situations where individuals are displaying irrational or impractical thinking, making impulsive decisions, or refusing to consider alternative viewpoints.

Despite his initial reluctance, she managed to talk sense into him by presenting a logical and well-reasoned argument.
When my friend was considering a risky investment, I had to talk sense into him by highlighting the potential consequences and urging caution.
Jason is convinced that he wants to join the circus, but I'm hoping we'll be able to talk some sense into him.
Her parents were able to talk some sense into her by explaining the importance of focusing on her studies rather than getting caught up in distractions.
Listen, John, they gave me a few minutes to talk sense into you and I'm not intending to let that be wasted by hearing your nonsense.
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Meaning of "To [talk] (some|) sense into {sb}" in Russian
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