wear the pants
British pronunciation/wˈeə ðə pˈants/
American pronunciation/wˈɛɹ ðə pˈænts/

контролировать отношения

to be the one who makes important decisions and is in complete control and of a relationship or family

What is the origin of the idiom "wear the pants" and when to use it?


The origin of the idiom "wear the pants" can be traced back to the traditional gender roles prevalent in the past, where men were typically associated with being the decision-makers and holding authority within a household or relationship. The phrase emerged from the idea that men wore pants as a symbol of their role as the dominant figure. Women, on the other hand, were traditionally associated with wearing dresses or skirts, which symbolized their perceived submissive or secondary position. It is often used to discuss power dynamics or decision-making authority within a partnership, whether it be romantic, familial, or professional.

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