to put one's cards on the table
честно делиться своими мыслями, чувствами
to honestly share one's thoughts, feelings, or plans
What is the origin of the idiom "put one's cards on the table" and when to use it?
The idiom "put one's cards on the table" originated from the game of poker, where players reveal their hand of cards by placing them face-up on the table. It means to openly and honestly disclose one's thoughts, intentions, or information, without holding back or keeping anything hidden. This expression is used to emphasize transparency, sincerity, and a willingness to share important details or make one's position clear in a straightforward manner.
The CEO laid his cards on the table during the meeting, revealing the company 's financial challenges and outlining a plan for recovery.
During the negotiation, she decided to put her cards on the table and honestly discuss her expectations and limitations.
The employee decided to put her cards on the table and openly address the issues that were affecting her productivity in the workplace.
The CEO laid his cards on the table during the meeting, revealing the company's financial challenges and outlining a plan for recovery.
During the negotiation, she decided to put her cards on the table and honestly discuss her expectations and limitations.
The employee decided to put her cards on the table and openly address the issues that were affecting her productivity in the workplace.
It was time to lay his cards on the table and confess his true feelings to the person he had secretly admired for years.
Before entering into the partnership, they agreed to put their cards on the table and share their long-term objectives and strategies.

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