be out of the woods
British pronunciation/biː ˌaʊtəv ðə wˈʊdz/
American pronunciation/biː ˌaʊɾəv ðə wˈʊdz/

Пережить трудную, неприятную или неопределенную ситуацию

to be out of a situation that is full of danger, trouble, or hardship

What is the origin of the idiom "be out of the woods" and when to use it?


The idiom "be out of the woods" originates from the idea of someone being lost or stranded in a forest, facing the dangers and challenges that come with it. This expression is commonly used to signify emerging from a difficult or dangerous situation. The phrase became more widely used in the 19th century in a figurative sense, reflecting its modern usage.

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