ghost of a chance
малейший шанс на успех
the slightest chance of succeeding or happening
What is the origin of the idiom "ghost of a chance" and when to use it?
The phrase "ghost of a chance" originated in the early 20th century and draws on the idea that a "ghost" represents something insubstantial or almost impossible to encounter. It is used to describe a situation where there is very little or no likelihood of success or victory. When someone or something has a "ghost of a chance," it implies that their chances are extremely slim, and they face significant obstacles in achieving their goals.
The underdog team had a ghost of a chance of winning the championship, but their determination paid off.
With no prior experience, he had a ghost of a chance of landing the prestigious job, but his impressive interview changed everything.
Her outdated computer had a ghost of a chance of running the latest software efficiently.

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