have a memory like an elephant
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British pronunciation/hav ɐ mˈɛməɹˌi lˈaɪk ɐn ˈɛlɪfənt/
American pronunciation/hæv ɐ mˈɛmɚɹi lˈaɪk ɐn ˈɛlɪfənt/

уметь легко запоминать вещи

to easily be able to remember things and rarely forget them
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to [have] a memory like an elephant definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "have a memory like an elephant" and when to use it?

The idiom "have a memory like an elephant" originated from the observation that elephants possess exceptional memory capabilities. It focuses on the idea that someone has an exceptional ability to remember and recall information, experiences, or details with great accuracy and for an extended period. The phrase is primarily used to highlight the impressive memory capacity of elephants in popular culture, emphasizing the idea that individuals who possess a "memory like an elephant" are known for their remarkable recall and retention abilities.

The teacher had a memory like an elephant, and she could remember the names of all her students, even those she had only had for a few weeks.
The detective had a memory like an elephant, and he could recall every detail of the crime scene.
The historian had a memory like an elephant, and he could recall dates, names, and events with incredible accuracy.
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