in high gear
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British pronunciation/ɪn ˌɪntʊ hˈaɪ ɡˈiə/
American pronunciation/ɪn ˌɪntʊ hˈaɪ ɡˈɪɹ/

очень активный и продуктивный

in a state that is extremely efficient or active
folder open
(in|into) high gear definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "in high gear" and when to use it?

The phrase "in high gear" is believed to have originated in the early 20th century, and it is a reference to the highest gear in a manual transmission vehicle, which allows for the fastest and most efficient speed. This idiom is used to describe a situation where someone is operating at their highest level of productivity or efficiency.

The athletes were in high gear during the final stretch of the race, pushing themselves to the limit to cross the finish line.
After months of planning, the marketing campaign finally went into high gear with the launch of the new product.
With the deadline approaching, the team kicked into high gear and worked around the clock to finish the project.
The company has been in high gear since the launch of their new product, with sales and production at an all-time high.
She's been in high gear all week, finishing her projects ahead of schedule and taking on new tasks.
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Meaning of "(in|into) high gear" in Russian
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