to be in on
*** Be a party to a secret shared by a small group of people
After the initial investors saw the startup 's success, many others wanted to be in on the act and provide funding.
Investing in cryptocurrency when it was just emerging allowed her to be in on the ground floor of a financial revolution.
As soon as the fashion trend took off, many designers were eager to be in on the act and create their own versions.
After the initial investors saw the startup's success, many others wanted to be in on the act and provide funding.
Investing in cryptocurrency when it was just emerging allowed her to be in on the ground floor of a financial revolution.
As soon as the fashion trend took off, many designers were eager to be in on the act and create their own versions.
If you want to influence the direction of the project, make sure to be in on the ground floor to contribute your ideas from the beginning.
John was lucky to be in on the ground floor of the startup company, and now he's a major shareholder as it flourishes.
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