British pronunciation/tˈɪpɪt/
American pronunciation/ˈtɪpət/


a long, narrow piece of clothing worn around the neck, often used as a decorative accessory

What is a "tippet"?


A tippet is a long, narrow piece of clothing that is worn around the neck and shoulders as an accessory. It can be made of various materials, such as fur, wool, or silk, and is often embellished with trimmings or embroidery. Historically, tippets were worn by both men and women as a practical item of clothing to keep them warm and as a symbol of their social status. In religious contexts, tippets were often worn as a part of a religious garment such as the cassock and were used to differentiate between ranks and roles. Nowadays, tippets are still worn by clergy members in some churches, as well as by graduates during academic ceremonies.

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