The Muslim community observed the call to prayer, with worshippers facing towards Mecca and reciting sacred verses as a form of devotion.
The congregation gathered in the church for a moment of prayer, bowing their heads in reverence and reflection.
Meditation can be a form of prayer for some, offering a quiet space for reflection, connection, and spiritual communion.
a set of words said to God or other higher power asking for help or expressing thanks
Every morning, the monk recited his prayers in the quiet solitude of the monastery, seeking divine guidance for the day ahead.
At bedtime, the children knelt beside their beds for their nightly prayers, expressing gratitude for the day and asking for protection through the night.
In times of trouble, she found solace in the simple words of prayer, finding comfort in the belief that her words were heard by a higher power.
молитва, прошение
reverent petition to a deity
мольба, просьба
earnest or urgent request
молящийся, молитва
someone who prays to God
The Muslim community observed the call to prayer, with worshippers facing towards Mecca and reciting sacred verses as a form of devotion.
The congregation gathered in the church for a moment of prayer, bowing their heads in reverence and reflection.
Meditation can be a form of prayer for some, offering a quiet space for reflection, connection, and spiritual communion.
During times of hardship, many turn to prayer as a source of comfort and hope.

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