British pronunciation/mˈɑːkhɐ/
American pronunciation/mˈɑːɹkhɚ/

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a type of wild goat that is known for its twisted horns and is native to mountainous regions of Central Asia

What is a "markhor"?


The markhor is a large, stocky wild goat species that is found in mountainous regions of Central Asia, including countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and India. It has distinctive twisted horns that can grow up to several feet in length, with a corkscrew-like shape. The markhor has a thick coat of shaggy fur that provides insulation against the harsh mountain climate, typically colored in shades of brown, gray, and white, allowing it to blend in with its rocky habitat. Males are larger than females, and both sexes typically have a beard and long, flowing hair on their necks and shoulders. Markhors are known for their excellent climbing and jumping abilities, as they navigate the steep cliffs and rocky terrain of their habitat with ease. They are herbivorous animals that primarily feed on grass, leaves, and other vegetation.

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