vaccinare, imunizare
the process that enhances the body's defenses against specific diseases, usually achieved through the administration of vaccines
What is "immunization"?
Immunization is a preventive healthcare action that helps protect individuals from infectious diseases. It involves giving vaccines, which are substances that stimulate the immune system to develop immunity against specific germs, such as viruses or bacteria. Immunization works by introducing a weakened or killed form of the germ or its toxins into the body, triggering the immune response without causing the disease itself. This response allows the immune system to recognize and destroy the germs quickly if the individual is exposed to it in the future. Immunization is a crucial public health strategy that has led to the control and destruction of many infectious diseases worldwide.
The baby 's immunization schedule includes multiple shots.
Immunization has made many diseases less common.
Nurses explain the benefits of childhood immunization.

Cuvinte Apropiate