eliminare prin atingere, out prin atingere
(baseball) a play where a fielder touches the base with the ball to get an out before the baserunner arrive
What is a "force-out"?
A force-out in baseball or softball happens when a player is forced to run to a base because another player is behind them. The defensive team can get the runner out by throwing the ball to the base before the runner gets there. For example, if a runner has to go to second base, the player at second can catch the ball and touch the base before the runner arrives to make the out. Unlike a tag, where the runner is touched, a force-out is made by reaching the base first with the ball.
The pitcher fielded a ground ball and threw to home plate for the force-out.
The shortstop made a quick throw to first base for the force-out.
The second baseman tagged second base for the force-out on the sliding runner.

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