covoare de intrare, mătăsuri pentru ușă
an object put on the ground in front of a door, used for cleaning the shoes on
What is a "doormat"?
A doormat is a small rug placed outside or inside a door to help clean shoes before entering a house or building. It is usually made from durable materials like rubber or synthetic fibers that can trap dirt, moisture, and debris. Doormats often have a rough texture, allowing them to scrape dirt off shoes effectively. They are commonly placed at entryways to keep floors clean and add a welcoming touch to the home. Doormats can come in various sizes, colors, and designs, making them both functional and decorative.
She wiped her feet on the doormat before entering the house.
The doormat was old and covered with mud after the rainy day.
They bought a new doormat with a funny welcome message.
preș, marginal
a person who is physically weak and ineffectual

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