to break away
[phrase form: break]
a scăpa, a se elibera
to escape from a person who is holding one
Intransitive: to break away from sb/sth
She managed to break away from her captor and run to safety.
The child tried to break away from his mother's grasp and explore the park on his own.
The horse suddenly broke away from its rider and galloped freely across the field.
a se desprinde, a se distanța
to distance oneself from a crowd or competitors, typically in a race
Intransitive: to break away | to break away from sb/sth
The soccer player skillfully broke away from the defenders.
The swimmer 's strategy was to break away from the crowded start.
In the final lap, the car driver attempted to break away from the trailing cars.
a desprinde, a separa
to separate a piece from a larger whole
Transitive: to break away sth
The continuous pressure can break away particles from the surface.
The earthquake had the potential to break away portions of the mountain.
The wear and tear on the gears may break away small fragments.
a se desprinde, a se separa
to decide to leave a group or community
Intransitive: to break away from sb/sth
The scientist had to break away from the research team due to conflicting theories.
The community leader wanted to break away from the established norms.
The artist chose to break away from the mainstream art community.
a întrerupe, a opri
to stop or interrupt an ongoing activity
Transitive: to break away an activity
The urgent email made her break away the project momentarily.
The movie will break away for a brief intermission.
I need to break away my study session to answer an important call.

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