Backward inside death spiral

Backward inside death spiral
spirala mortii inversate, spirala inversată de moarte
a move in figure skating where the male skater holds the female skater's hand and leans backward while she spirals around him with one leg lifted and tilted inward
What is a "backward inside death spiral"?
A backward inside death spiral is a pair skating move where one skater, typically the man, holds their partner's hand or arm while she spirals around him in a low, extended position. Unlike the traditional death spiral, this variation involves the woman skating backward on the inside edge of one skate, with her other leg extended behind her. The man controls her movement, keeping her low to the ice while maintaining a steady grip. This move requires a combination of strength, balance, and precision from both skaters to maintain control and smoothness throughout the spin. It is a visually striking and challenging element in pair skating.
Her partner supported her beautifully as she extended into the backward inside death spiral.
They received high scores for their seamless backward inside death spiral.
She practiced tirelessly to perfect the backward inside death spiral.

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