Capstone project

Capstone project
proiect de absolvire, proiect capstone
a final assignment where students use what they have learned to complete a big project or solve a problem
What is a "capstone project"?
A capstone project is a final assignment or task that students complete at the end of an academic program, often as a requirement for graduation. It involves conducting in-depth research or applying the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course of study to solve a real-world problem or explore a specific topic. Capstone projects can take various forms, such as research papers, presentations, or practical applications, and are meant to demonstrate the student’s ability to integrate and apply what they have learned. It is a significant project that showcases the student's mastery of the subject and readiness to enter their professional field.
A student designed a computer program to optimize hospital resource allocation for their capstone project.
The engineering team constructed a prototype solar-powered vehicle as their capstone project.
For her capstone project, Sarah conducted a comprehensive study on the effects of climate change on local ecosystems.

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