sos de fructe, coulis
a thick pureed sauce made from fruits, vegetables, or herbs, used as a garnish or accompaniment for dishes
What is "coulis"?
Coulis is a versatile sauce or puree made from fruits, vegetables, or herbs that are blended or strained to achieve a smooth and vibrant consistency. It is commonly used as a flavorful and visually appealing accompaniment to enhance various dishes, such as desserts, main courses, and appetizers. Coulis adds a burst of intense flavor and can be sweet or savory, depending on the ingredients used. Its velvety texture and bright colors make it a popular choice for chefs and home cooks looking to elevate their culinary creations with a touch of elegance.
He served fluffy pancakes with a generous drizzle of blueberry coulis.
They topped fruit tarts with mango coulis.

Cuvinte Apropiate