sector, sector de stocare
the minimum track length that can be assigned to store information; unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes
sector, porțiune de cerc
a portion of a circle, defined by an arc and the two radii that connect the arc's endpoints to the circle's center
In a pizza, each slice represents a sector of the circular pizza, defined by the central angle and the radii.
Intr-o pizza, fiecare felie reprezintă un sector, porțiune de cerc al pizza circulare, definit de un unghi central și razele.
A clock face is divided into sectors, each corresponding to a specific hour, allowing us to read the time.
Un cadran de ceas este împărțit în sectoare, fiecare corespunzând unei ore specifice, permițându-ne să citim timpul.
sector, domeniu
a specific part or branch of an economy, society, or activity with its own distinct characteristics and functions
sector, domeniu
a particular aspect of life or activity
sector, sector de măsurare
measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged at one end
sector, secțiune
a portion of a military position

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