promovare, avansare
promovare, promotie
What is "promotion"?
Promotion is a marketing activity aimed at increasing awareness of a product, service, or brand to encourage customer interest and boost sales. It involves strategies such as discounts, special offers, advertisements, and public events. Promotions can be short-term or long-term, and are often used to attract new customers, reward loyal ones, or encourage immediate purchases. By creating a sense of urgency or added value, promotions help businesses stand out in a competitive market and drive consumer behavior. The goal is to effectively communicate the benefits of the product and make it more appealing to potential buyers.
promovare, susținere
promovare, publicitate
promovare, promovare de pion
What is "promotion"?
Promotion in chess occurs when a pawn reaches the opponent’s back rank, which is the row closest to the opponent’s side of the board. When this happens, the player must replace the pawn with another piece, usually a queen, but it can also be a rook, bishop, or knight. The new piece is then placed on the board, and the player gains its full power. Promotion is a key strategy because it allows a player to increase their strength by adding a powerful piece to the board, often turning the tide of the game.
word family