to play along
[phrase form: play]
a se conforma, a se face că e de acord
to pretend to support or agree with someone or something to keep things peaceful or for one's own gain
I was n't sure what they were plotting, but I thought it best to play along until I knew more.
He did n't fully believe the story but decided to play along.
The agent played along with the spy's narrative, gathering as much information as possible.
a se juca pe seama cuiva, așa cum este
to trick someone or something over a specific period of time to achieve a particular outcome or advantage
Transitive: to play along sb
She realized her friend was playing her along, pretending to be interested in her ideas while secretly pursuing her own agenda.
The con artist managed to play the naive investor along for months before his scheme was uncovered.
He felt guilty for playing his teammates along, pretending to be injured so he would n't have to participate in the game.
a se alătura, a participa cu plăcere
to willingly participate in a game, real or pretend, to make the moment more enjoyable
Intransitive: to play along | to play along with sth
When the kids proposed their imaginary tea party, the parents happily played along.
Even though he was tired, he played along with his daughter's bedtime story routine.
She played along with the children's pirate adventure, complete with a pretend treasure hunt.
a acompania, a susține
to perform a musical accompaniment to another instrument or voice
As she sang her solo, the pianist played along beautifully.
When he started humming the tune, the guitarist began to play along.
She 's amazing on the violin; she can just hear a song and play along.

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