beyond recall
used to refer to something that cannot be restored to its original or previous condition
What is the origin of the idiom "beyond recall" and when to use it?
The idiom "beyond recall" originates from the English language and has been in use for centuries. It signifies that something is no longer possible to remember how it was or to bring it back to its original condition. This expression is often used to convey that a situation or action has reached a point where it cannot be undone or reversed.
After the contract was signed, the terms became beyond recall, and any changes would require mutual consent.
The words spoken in anger were beyond recall, leaving a lasting impact on their relationship.
The decision to close the factory is beyond recall now, as all the equipment has been dismantled.
Once the confidential information is leaked, it will be beyond recall, and the consequences could be severe.
The damage to the ancient artifact was beyond recall, despite the best restoration efforts.