Snake dance
dança da cobra, dança serpenteante
a ceremonial dance ritual characterized by a line of dancers moving in sinuous, winding patterns reminiscent of a snake's movements
What is a "snake dance"?
A snake dance is a traditional dance where dancers move in smooth, wavy motions that resemble the movement of a snake. The dance involves flowing arm and body movements to create a serpent-like effect. It is performed in various cultural settings, sometimes as part of rituals or ceremonies, and is known for its smooth and captivating style. The dance is usually accompanied by rhythmic music that complements its graceful movements.
dança da cobra, dança em fila serpentina
a group advancing in a single-file serpentine path
snake dance
In the Apache tradition, the snake dance symbolized the renewal of life and the connection between humans and nature.
The Mayan people of Mesoamerica performed elaborate snake dances as part of their religious ceremonies, paying homage to the serpent deity Quetzalcoatl.
During the Cherokee Green Corn Ceremony, participants engaged in a snake dance to invoke blessings and purification for the community.
The Hopi tribe performed a mesmerizing snake dance to honor the rain gods and ensure a bountiful harvest for the coming year.
Among the Navajo, the snake dance was performed to commemorate the emergence of their people into the world and to seek protection from malevolent forces.