to recite
recitar, declamar
to say something from memory, such as a poem or speech
Transitive: to recite a speech or poem
The student recites the multiplication table in class.
She recited the lyrics of the song without missing a word.
recitar, declarar
to orally present learned material to an instructor
Transitive: to recite learned material
As part of the math exam, the students were required to recite the steps of a mathematical proof for the teacher.
As part of the science experiment, the students recited the steps of the scientific method they followed to conduct their research.
recitar, narrar
to narrate or recount a story, event, or information in full detail
Transitive: to recite a story or information
She recited the story of her adventurous journey through the mountains.
As part of her testimony, the witness recited the sequence of events leading up to the accident.
recitar, declamar
to repeat information in a structured or ordered manner
Transitive: to recite information
The student confidently recited the key dates and events during the history exam.
During the ceremony, the student council president recited the names of the graduating class.

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