pera espinhosa, figo da Índia
What is a "prickly pear"?
Prickly pear refers to the fruit of certain cactus species, known for its vibrant colors and prickly exterior. The fruit is oval-shaped and has a sweet and refreshing taste, similar to a cross between a melon and a strawberry. To consume a prickly pear, the spiky outer skin must be carefully removed, revealing the juicy flesh inside. Prickly pear is commonly used in various culinary preparations, including jams, jellies, desserts, and beverages. It can also be enjoyed fresh, either eaten on its own or added to salads and smoothies. Additionally, prickly pear is known for its potential health benefits, as it is rich in antioxidants, fiber, and essential vitamins.
pera espinhosa, cacto figueira