No left turn sign

No left turn sign
znak zakazu skrętu w lewo, zakaz skrętu w lewo
a traffic sign that prohibits vehicles from turning left at a specific intersection or location
What is a "no left turn sign"?
A no left turn sign is a traffic sign that prohibits drivers from making a left turn at a particular intersection or junction. This sign is typically used when a left turn could cause safety problems, disrupt traffic flow, or violate local road rules. The sign is usually displayed with a red circle and a line crossing through an arrow pointing left. Drivers must follow the sign by taking an alternate route or turning at the next allowed intersection to avoid a violation and maintain smooth traffic movement.
At the busy junction, the no left turn sign prevented drivers from making a leftward maneuver during rush hour.
The driver glanced at the no left turn sign and obediently continued straight ahead.
Following the no left turn sign's instructions, the bus driver patiently waited for the traffic light to change.