Driving whilst unfit

Driving whilst unfit
prowadzenie pojazdu w stanie niezdolności, jazda pod wpływem
the act of operating a vehicle despite being physically or mentally incapable of doing so safely
What is "driving whilst unfit"?
Driving while unfit refers to operating a vehicle when someone is not physically or mentally capable of doing so safely. This can be due to factors such as fatigue, illness, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Being unfit to drive can weaken judgment, reaction times, and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents. Driving while unfit is considered dangerous and illegal in many areas, and penalties can include fines, license suspension, or even imprisonment.
The police arrested the driver for driving whilst unfit after observing erratic behavior on the road.
Driving whilst unfit due to alcohol consumption can lead to serious accidents and legal consequences.
He was charged with driving whilst unfit for driving under the influence of prescription medication.

Bliskie Słowa