heliskiing, narty helikopterowe
the act of skiing in remote places reached by helicopter, not ski lifts
What is "heliskiing"?
Heliskiing is an exciting way to ski where a helicopter takes people to the top of remote mountains that regular ski lifts cannot reach. Once dropped off, skiers get to glide down through fresh, untouched snow in beautiful, wild areas far from busy ski resorts. This activity is perfect for adventure lovers who want to experience skiing in unique and challenging places. Because it takes place in isolated and sometimes risky terrain, strong skiing skills are needed, and experienced guides often accompany participants to ensure safety. It is a thrilling way to enjoy nature and skiing at the same time.
They went heliskiing in the mountains last winter.
He loves the thrill of heliskiing in untouched snow.
He 's always wanted to try heliskiing.

Bliskie Słowa