Rh factor test

Rh factor test
test czynnika Rh, badanie czynnika Rh
a blood test that determines an individual's blood type and Rh factor status, which can impact pregnancy and transfusion compatibility
What is an "Rh factor test"?
An Rh factor test is a blood test used to check if a person's blood type is Rh-positive or Rh-negative. The Rh factor is a protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If the protein is present, the blood type is Rh-positive; if it is absent, the blood type is Rh-negative. This test is important for various medical reasons, including pregnancy, as it helps prevent complications between a mother and baby if their Rh factors are different. Knowing the Rh factor can also be crucial for blood transfers and organ transplants to make sure that they are safe and effective.

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