to throw one's toys out of the cot
to lose one's temper and behave irrationally
What is the origin of the idiom "throw one's toys out of the cot" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "throw one's toys out of the cot" is not definitively documented, but it is believed to have originated in British English. The expression draws from the image of a young child having a tantrum and throwing their toys out of their cot or crib in frustration. It is commonly employed when someone responds childishly or irrationally to a situation that may not warrant such an extreme response.
After being passed over for a promotion, he threw his toys out of the cot by angrily resigning from the company.
When her favorite team lost the championship, she threw her toys out of the cot and refused to speak to anyone for days.
The politician's controversial tweet had the opposition party throwing their rattle out of the cot with heated accusations and insults.