znak drogowy, wskaźnik kierunku
a sign that provides information such as the distance to a certain place or its direction, usually found at the side of a road
What is a "signpost"?
A signpost is a post or structure that holds one or more signs, providing directions, information, or warnings to drivers, pedestrians, or travelers. It is commonly used at intersections, roadsides, or other important locations to help people navigate and find their way. Signposts can display a variety of signs, such as street names, directional arrows, or warning symbols, depending on the area and purpose. The main goal of a signpost is to guide individuals and ensure safety by making important information clear and visible.
to signpost
oznakować, wytyczyć
to mark a place such as a road, etc. with a signpost
The trail was well signposted, making it easy for hikers to navigate.
He carefully signposted the route to the nearest emergency exit in the building.
The museum signposted each exhibit with clear descriptions and directions.
wyraźnie wskazać, jasno pokazać
to clearly demonstrate something, especially the way that an argument, speech, etc. will develop so that everyone will notice and understand