to run over
[phrase form: run]
przejechać, zatrzeć
to hit and pass over something or someone with a vehicle, causing damage
Transitive: to run over sb/sth
The driver did n't see the bicycle and ran over it, causing damage to both the bike and the car.
The careless driver ran over the pedestrian's foot at the crosswalk, causing injury.
The cyclist did n't notice the toy left in the driveway and ran it over, breaking it.
przelać się, wylewać się
to exceed a brim, typically referring to a liquid or substance
The cup was filled to the brim, causing the hot tea to run over and spill onto the saucer.
The rain poured relentlessly, causing the gutters to run over with water.
The milk on the stove ran over, creating a mess on the stovetop.
przejrzeć, przeanalizować
to review a text or information
Transitive: to run over a text or information
The researcher had to run over the data to verify the accuracy of the findings.
The editor will run over the manuscript to catch any last-minute errors.
The manager had to run over the financial report to ensure its accuracy before the meeting.
przedłużyć się, przeciągnąć się
to exceed the anticipated duration of something
The meeting ran over, making everyone late for their next appointments.
The school assembly ran over by half an hour due to a lengthy presentation.
The marathon ran over because of delays caused by poor weather conditions.
przejść przez, omówić
to provide a brief explanation or summary of a topic
Transitive: to run over a topic
The coach ran over the basic strategy with the team before the big game.
I 'll run over the main rules of the game so everyone can understand how to play.
The teacher decided to run over the key events in history briefly before beginning the lesson.

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