Return address
adres zwrotny, adres nadawcy
the sender's address printed on the outside of a letter or package
What is a "return address"?
A return address is the part of an envelope or package that shows where the mail or item is coming from. It typically includes the sender's name, street address, city or town, state or region, and postal code. The return address is important because, if the item cannot be delivered to the recipient, it allows the postal service to return it to the sender. It also provides the sender with a way to be contacted or identified in case of delivery issues. The return address is usually placed in the top-left corner of the envelope or on the back flap of a package.
I forgot to include my return address on the envelope, so the letter could n’t be sent back to me.
The return address on the package was from a company I had never heard of.
Always check the return address on the package to make sure it ’s correct before mailing it.

Bliskie Słowa