a large, singular stone block, frequently used as a pillar or memorial
What is a "monolith"?
A monolith is a large, upright stone or rock that is usually shaped into a single, solid piece. It is often tall and narrow, standing alone or as part of a structure. Monoliths are found in various places, including ancient sites, and were sometimes used in monuments or as markers. They can be naturally occurring, such as a large rock formation, or man-made, often carved or shaped for a specific purpose. Monoliths are known for their impressive size and are often seen as symbols of strength or stability.
The ancient monolith stood tall in the desert, a mysterious symbol of an ancient civilization.
They discovered a monolith while hiking through the mountains, its smooth surface contrasting with the rough terrain.
The park was famous for its giant stone monolith, which attracted tourists from all over the world.

Bliskie Słowa