verzuim, afwezigheid
loss due to not showing up
standaardinstelling, vooraf ingestelde waarde
a predefined option based on which a computer or other device performs a particular task unless it is changed
The default setting for the browser's homepage is the search engine's website, but users can change it to their preferred page.
The smartphone 's default wallpaper is a scenic landscape, but users can customize it with their own photos.
The software 's default font size is 12 points, but users can adjust it to their preference in the settings.
wanbetaling, default
loss resulting from failure of a debt to be paid
wanbetaling, faillissement
a failure to fulfill official demands and obligations especially ones concerning financial matters
to default
wanpresteren, in gebreke blijven
to fail at accomplishing an obligation, particularly a financial one
Intransitive: to default | to default on an obligation
If you miss your mortgage payments, you may default on your home loan.
Failing to repay the loan on time could cause the borrower to default.
The company faced severe consequences after defaulting on its debt payments.
standaard, niet uitvoeren
(of a computer program) to always do the same thing unless instructed differently
Intransitive: to default to a specified action
If you do n’t choose a printer, the system will default to the one nearest to your location.
The app defaults to displaying the homepage every time it opens.
The settings default to English, but you can change the language preference.

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