to confess
bekennen, toegeven
to admit, especially to the police or legal authorities, that one has committed a crime or has done something wrong
Intransitive: to confess | to confess to an offense
The suspect decided to confess to the crime during the police interrogation.
The witness 's decision to confess to their involvement in the incident provided crucial information to the investigation.
Law enforcement encourages individuals to confess as it can contribute to resolving cases more efficiently.
bekennen, toegeven
to admit something, especially when it makes you feel uncomfortable or guilty
Transitive: to confess that | to confess to sth
She confessed that she had broken the vase by accident.
I had to confess that I forgot about our meeting.
After the argument, he confessed that he was wrong about the situation.
belijden, beichten
to admit one's faults and sins in front of a priest
Transitive: to confess one's sins
The priest listened patiently as she began to confess her struggles.
She felt a sense of relief after choosing to confess her sins.
He decided to confess his mistakes during the sacrament of reconciliation.