one's bread and butter
the main source of a person or business's income
What is the origin of the idiom "one's bread and butter" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "one's bread and butter" can be traced back to the 18th century in England. Bread and butter have been staple foods for many people throughout history, and they symbolize the basic necessities of life. It is used to describe the main source of income or the primary activity through which someone earns a living.
At the moment, freelancing is her bread and butter while she explores other career options.
Once she establishes her bakery, she hopes it will become her bread and butter for the rest of her life.
Teaching is his bread and butter; he has been an educator for over two decades.
brood-en-boter, levensonderhoud
*** providing a basic means of subsistence
a bread-and-butter job
brood-en-boter, praktische
*** relating to people's practical, everyday needs and concerns
These are hardly the bread-and-butter concerns of struggling farmers.