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What is a "Whiteheaded Mutton"?
Whiteheaded Mutton is a sheep breed that originated in the United States, specifically in the Appalachian region. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with a white or light-colored head and neck, and a dark-colored body. The breed is medium to large in size, with a muscular build and good meat quality. The fleece of Whiteheaded Mutton sheep is typically medium to coarse, with good coverage on the body, and it is used primarily for meat production rather than wool production. Whiteheaded Mutton sheep are known for their hardiness, adaptability to harsh environments, and ability to thrive on rough terrain. They are often raised in extensive grazing systems and are valued for their ability to produce high-quality, flavorful meat with a distinct taste that is preferred by some consumers. Despite being a relatively rare breed, Whiteheaded Mutton sheep are known for their efficient meat production, ease of handling, and ability to forage on a wide range of vegetation.