sick and tired
annoyed or disgusted by someone or something one has been dealing with for a long time
What is the origin of the idiom "sick and tired" and when to use it?
The origin of the phrase "sick and tired" can be traced back to the 16th century. The word "sick" in this context means weary or fed up, while "tired" means exhausted or fatigued. This idiom is used in various contexts to express profound frustration or weariness with a particular situation, person, or ongoing circumstances. This idiomatic expression is commonly used in personal conversations, informal settings, and even in written or spoken expressions of discontent.
After months of dealing with bureaucratic red tape, he's finally sick and tired of trying to get his paperwork processed correctly.
He's sick and tired of his boss constantly micromanaging every aspect of his work, leaving him feeling demotivated and undervalued.
I'm sick and tired of waiting for the bus to arrive on time every morning; it's incredibly frustrating.