Wishful thinking
wensdenken, droombeelden
the act of imagining or hoping for something to be true, despite there being little or no evidence or likelihood of it actually happening
What is the origin of the idiom "wishful thinking" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "wishful thinking" can be traced back to the early 19th century. The combination of the words "wish" and "thinking" formed a phrase that encapsulated the human tendency to engage in hopeful or fanciful thoughts that may not align with reality. Over time, the phrase has become a commonly used expression to describe the act of holding optimistic beliefs or desires without a solid foundation in evidence or probability.
wishful thinking
Believing that you will win the lottery without buying a ticket is pure wishful thinking.
Imagining that a difficult task will be completed effortlessly and without any challenges is a form of wishful thinking.
Hoping that your favorite team will win the championship despite their poor performance throughout the season is an example of wishful thinking.
Thinking that your problems will magically disappear without taking any action is merely wishful thinking.
Ringing out the old and ringing in the new at the turn of the year invariably involves wishful thinking.