a very hot sauce that is made with fully ripe red peppers
What is "Tabasco"?
Tabasco is a spicy and flavorful condiment made from tabasco peppers, vinegar, and salt. It has a tangy and fiery taste, with a distinct heat that comes from the ripe tabasco peppers used in its production. Tabasco sauce is known for its bright red color and intense flavor, which adds a spicy kick to a wide variety of dishes. It is commonly used as a table condiment, added to foods such as eggs, pizza, soups, stews, and cocktails to enhance their flavor with a burst of heat and acidity.
I always keep a bottle of Tabasco handy in my pantry, ready to add a punch of flavor to any dish.
I love to splash a bit of Tabasco on my fried chicken for an extra burst of heat.
tabasco, zeer hete rode pepers
very hot red peppers; usually long and thin; some very small
Tabasco, Staat Tabasco
a Mexican state on the Gulf of Campeche