humeurig, wegkruipend
ill-tempered and in a bad mood, tending to sulk
somber, drukkend
depressingly dark
langzaam, somber
moving slowly
sulky, tweedelige wagen
a lightweight, two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage, typically used for one person, often in horse racing
What is a "sulky"?
A sulky is a small, lightweight, two-wheeled cart used for racing or light transportation, typically pulled by a single horse. It has a simple, minimalistic design with a low frame and usually features one seat for the driver. Sulkies are most commonly associated with harness racing, where a driver rides in the cart while the horse pulls it at high speeds around a track. The design allows for quick movement and agility, making it ideal for racing events.
The jockey climbed into the sulky for the harness race.
Sulkies are commonly seen at trotting races and harness racing events.
He bought a new sulky to compete in the upcoming derby.