to bet
gokken, inzetten
to risk money on the result of a coming event by trying to predict it
Intransitive: to bet on sth
Last week, the group bet on the roulette wheel at the casino.
Many enthusiasts are betting on horse races.
The group is currently betting on the outcome of the lottery.
weddenschap doen op, vertrouwen in
to trust or have strong belief in something or someone
Intransitive: to bet on sth
wedden, wedden dat
to express confidence or certainty in something happening or being the case
Transitive: to bet that
She bet that her favorite team would win the championship this year.
I bet she 's still in bed.
He 's betting that the new restaurant will become a popular spot in town.
inzet, weddenschap
the money risked on a gamble
inzet, weddenschap
the act of gambling
opinie, zienswijze
one's opinion or view about something
Last week, the group bet on the roulette wheel at the casino.
Many enthusiasts are betting on horse races.
The group is currently betting on the outcome of the lottery.
Friends often bet on sports events to make watching more exciting.
Some people enjoy going to the casino to bet on games of chance.
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